Boy Kills World

Published on 27 April 2024 at 16:57

Action | Crime | Thriller (R) 1h 51m

Release Date: April 26, 2024
Premiere: April 25, 2024

Cast: Bill Skarsgard, Cameron Crovetti, Nicholas Crovetti, Quinn Copeland, Famke Janssen, Jessica Rothe, Andrew Koji, Yayan Ruhian, Brett Gelman, Isaiah Mustafa, Michelle Dockery

Director: Moritz Mohr

Writing Credits: Tyler Burton Smith, Arend Remmers, Moritz Mohr

Cinematography: Peter Majasko

Music: Ludvig Forssell

Narrated by: H. Jon Benjamin

Synopsis: Boy, deaf and mute, is an orphan played by Bill Skarshard and has dedicated himself to become an instrument of death through training with the shaman who is played by the brilliant Yayan Ruhian. Boy is seeking revenge on Hilda Van Der Koy and her deranged family after she murdered Boy’s family. 

DISCLAIMER: Read this review in H. Jon Benjamin's voice for the ultimate experience. <3

Blood, guts, gore, violence, and lots of dark humor is served to you like a seven-course meal during the slightly less than two hour run time.  Titillating trailers and tv spots have filled the gelatinous lenses we call eyeballs with imagery of a humorously adorned gore-fest sure to delight any and all movie lovers with an affinity toward art of a very violent nature.  Me, me, me! It's me!

Boy Kills World was first announced in late 2021, but production delays managed to sink hooks into this project and drop a heavy anchor submerging it into the mysterious depths of unknown updates for far too long (in my gelatinous lenses).  Every time I checked for updates, it merely led me to less information, and more frustration, and each time I mentioned this film to anyone, they would say they had never heard of it. Hearing comments like that stung my dark little heart bits - a LOT! As a huge fan of Bill Skarsgard, I was already amped up by his involvement in this film, so lack of news on Boy made me think this one would not get a theatrical release. That would have BLOWN -- HARD! 

THANKFULLY the first trailer finally dropped in February 2024, and all of my hope was fully renewed.  To say I have been counting down the days for the theatrical release of Boy Kills World is quite an understatement -- downright juvenile, in fact. I counted the days, right down to the hour and minute! I even had the countdown set on my phone! Of course, I bought advance tickets and watched the early premiere, because I couldn't dare wait one day for the actual release. One day I will get a press pass and travel twelve to fourteen hours, so I can watch my beloved movies a satisfactory one or two days early. Think I won't -- watch me! ;)

The movie opens with narration by H. Jon Benjamin as this is the voice and inner monologue of Boy.  I'll just tell you ... the movie wastes no time rearing back its leg to kick you right in the balls. After witnessing the tragic event that shape-shifted him to become who he is today, the scene cuts to a stormy muddy forest where Boy has been buried alive.  "Eating stinkbugs."  Without giving too much away, don't worry, you soon learn why he is buried in the mud and what the purpose behind it is.

Shaman tells Boy he has to stop acting like a little boy and he is to train like a warrior so he can become that instrument of death I previously alluded to.  This training guarantees that Boy Kills World is one hundred percent a dark comedy/action/horror/martial arts/drama/spoof/comic style/video game inspired movie … did that clarify the genre for you? Ha!

In other words, this movie is very well made, but it is not trying to hide behind a facade of seriousness. The complaints I'm hearing about it being generic or goofy have zero regard or appreciation for the fact that it was made to be exactly what it is - fun. If you complain about this movie and can't enjoy for what it aptly delivers, then I seriously want to know who was so cruel and unkind to piss in your "Frosty Puffs."

I am trying so hard to avoid spoilers, BUT I also think it is important for the potential viewer to know that this movie is going to give you exactly what the trailers advertise.  It is a bloody, comical, violent, and gory good time. Period. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, yet there are moments where you will certainly have an opportunity to “feel” things.  I got teary eyed at least three times, but I think there was a fourth.  As a child of trauma, some of the strangest things resonate with me.  This movie was no exception, so I digress. 

Once the action starts, there is very little pause. The couple of times it does slow the pace a bit, it kicks right back into high gear rather immediately. Does it go anywhere and does it deliver the goods? Yes, to both! 

I'm probably partial, but Bill was perfectly cast as Boy and I couldn't imagine anyone else portraying this character so well.  His boyish charm, wholesome good looks, and soulful eyes make you care for him quite quickly and easily.  Bill clearly dedicated himself to the role through intense physical training and preparation. Physicality was certainly a huge prerequisite to accurately deliver a supreme performance and I read an article stating that Bill had a couple of months of martial arts training to prepare.  His acting skills really shine through and are amplified through his use of body language and facial expressions. Even without the inner monologue, it wouldn't be far fetched to say you could easily interpret his portrayal of the shell of a man with the younger version of himself, who lost everything, still trapped inside. 

The inner monologue is another talking point for many, currently.  H.Jon Benjamin as choice for the monologue certainly emphasized the comedic tone, but had Bill's voice been used it would have leaned more toward dramatic effect. I don't know what choice was right or even if there is a right or wrong, because I think it would work either way.  I just hope the creators add the original cut to the physical release. THAT will be awesome!

As a young girl, I was always drawn to the hero and the antihero, alike.  So, it is easy to say that when a movie comes along and gives you a bit of both – I’m all in! I think this one kind of fits that mold.

Boy Kills World is also being compared to Hunger Games, John Wick, Deadpool, and many others … well, there's no doubt that the creator was a fan of multiple genres and styles of movies and wanted to mesh it all together to make a martial arts and combat style revenge movie. I don’t find it anything like the aforementioned movies outside of the obvious fight/kill elements that exist in every-single-movie of this caliper and to be quite frank -- even when using familiar mechanics -- this movie still stands alone.  It tells a story in its own special way without being an exact replica of anything else.  Again, I would certainly not argue that certain familiar elements and tropes exist, but outside of that, it is its own marvelous design and told in a way that separates it from the stale attempts.  

So, as far as the creator meshing it up? Yup …  he did that. So ... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

If you're looking for a violent, bloody, and completely outrageous movie ... look no further and just go have a great time!  Sometimes we all  just need a movie that we can watch and enjoy without having all of the worlds problems and opinions being shoved down our throat.  The only thing you'll find getting shoved down your throat in this movie involves tools and weapons through the hands of violence. To that I say, shove away! Speaking of mouths ... there's a lot of lip reading necessary for Boy to understand what's going on and let's just say one of his counterparts has a language of his own and puts a lot of guesswork into the interpretation. It doesn't fail to make it absolutely hilarious, though. 

I can't close without mentioning the performances of the child actors in this film.  The Crovetti twins have been so familial with productions involving the Skarsgard's.  These young men have been used in the portrayal of a young Bill Skarsgard in multiple movies and as the son of Alexander Skarsgard (think Big Little Lies) numerous times. Watching them grow up on screen in these roles has been so fun.  It is sad to think that the days and opportunities are shortening (if not gone) for the availability of roles and scenes where they can portray an adolescent Skarsgard, because let's face it - they are teenagers now, but I have certainly enjoyed them for all this time that they have successfully convinced me that they were the younger version of their senior actor. They truly could pass for Skarsgard kids and that is so dang cool. They are so cute!

All of the child actors in Boy Kills World were magnificent. Quinn Copeland must have been a joy for Bill to work with and some of their scenes were the ones that got me teary eyed. Also, I must admit that I'm quite jealous, because I've seen how fun Bill is with his fellow child actors, and I know everyone had a blast on set. What a dream come true it would be to have that opportunity.


I give Boy Kills World THREE Severed Bloody Thumbs Up!!! Go check it out and have a damn good time my friend! <3

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