Welcome to The Delayed Review!

My name is Tina Renee, and I am a life-long movie lover and I bet you're here because you are, too! Hello, my new friend and thanks for stopping by!

The Delayed Review was born on the concept of my refusal to get caught up in the hype of new movie releases.  For me, if the movie isn't something I have been anticipating for a long time, I won't rush out and see it based on popularity and hype alone.  In fact, I am more likely to do the opposite.  Unless, of course, the movie receives widely negative reviews from film critics—then I might rush out the door with my toaster instead of my purse, because I'm usually pretty excited to find a reason to counter their criticisms.  That's probably hypocritical of me, because that seems like a bandwagon of sorts, but I'd just about break a wagon-wheel to find something good in a movie that is receiving negative reviews from a critic.  People with large audiences and powerful voices can make or break a career for directors, but the people in the back want to be heard, too!  If I can contribute by adding a positive spin on a movie by writing some unpopular opinions on the films receiving a bad rep... well, I'm not only happy to do so—I'm proud to do it.

    While I mostly enjoy the horror genre and have an immense love and respect for the many sub-genres of horror, I also enjoy a wide variety of other genres and I'd be happy to venture out of my comfort zone.   With all that said... please take a look around and feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions.  If there is a particular movie that you are waiting to see (for whatever reason) and you would like a spoiler-free review from me, please email me and let me know.  I not only invite you to share your feedback and your views—I encourage and welcome it. 

Tina Renee is the Owner of Thumpy Wheel Media and The Delayed Review. Tina worked in the medical field as a nurse for over 10 years and then remained licensed for another 2 years while she was inactive. It was a tough decision, but she finally decided to let her license expire with no intention of ever practicing as a nurse again. She moved on to become an account executive with a very successful regional gardening magazine publication called State~by~State Gardening Magazines - where, through multiple promotions, she became the assignment editor and copy editor for the entire southern region. 

After 8 years with the magazine publication, the owner announced that he would soon be closing his doors and offered her the opportunity to work remotely for a year so she could find another job without the stress. So, she resigned from the office and began to work remotely (but as minimally as she could manage). 

Through a turn of events, her publisher began a consulting business to transition to once the magazine publications were retired and he introduced her to one of his clients. It was through this client that she became a political campaign helper and worked 6 (sometimes 7) days a week in effort to help the client get elected.

Tina currently works as that "client's'" Judicial Assistant — as he is the District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court. 

Life has a lot of twists and turns and Tina has learned to hold on and enjoy the ride!



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