Evil Dead Rise

Published on 16 May 2023 at 19:38

Horror, Fantasy(R) 1h 36m 
Release Date: October 14, 2022

Alyssa Sutherland, Lily Sullivan, Bruce Campbell, Nell Fisher, Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies
Additional Cast: Mark Mitchinson, Billy Reynolds McCarthy, Jayden Daniels, Mirabai Pease, 
Director: Lee Cronin
Writing Credits:
Lee Cronin
Cinematography: Dave Garbett
Music: Stephen McKeon










Say you're an Evil Dead movie, without saying you're an Evil Dead movie. Lee Cronin, "Here, hand me that camera."

Through Lee Cronin's vision, this movie rolled in, or shall I say ... floated in and let its audience know what was up. If you have seen Rise and you know the cinematography style of the original Evil Dead, then you know exactly what I am talking about.

Rise is a great addition to the franchise and it certainly gives an upward trajectory in the Evil Dead storyline. ED has risen ... oh yes, it has.

As the title card rolls, you are taken outside the little cabin in the woods and you enter new territory that has not previously been treaded on in this franchise. This is one of the complaints that the haters have about this entry. On the contrary, it is one of the things I love about it. I will also admit that I was never a huge Evil Dead fan to begin with. Possession movies are generally not my taste and I rarely get behind any of them. This is definitely one of the exceptions. And don't get me wrong, I enjoy the original Evil Dead now that I am an adult. I just couldn't get into it when I was younger. My taste in horror movies was pretty limited. If it wasn't Jason Voorhees, I probably snubbed it a bit. I'm bragging, not complaining. hehe

Now, I neither want to set anyone up for expectations nor disappointment, so I will try to remain as straight forward and non-spoilerish as possible. The movie, like all Evil Dead movies, exists because of one little ole book. A book that any curious mind would see and think it is a great idea to touch, open, and gaze their eyes upon. There is no doubt that human curiosity would get the best of most of us. Right? 

BUT I am not so sure I would put so much effort into trying to listen to the accompanying records that are found in the old vault with this particular book. I am curious ... but I don't think I am THAT curious. Danny really did screw everyone over in this one, especially 'mommy.'

This movie has remained enjoyable on repeat viewings, but I admit that it was best suited for the theatrical experience. The sound effects and visuals in the cinema setting just can't be surpassed. If you haven't seen it, but want to see it and it's still playing at your local cinema, do yourself a favor and get tickets. I also encourage you to dump your expectations and/or pre-judgments at the door. I think this movie pays enough respect and homage to the original mythology to remain relatable, yet offers such a unique spin to stand out entirely on its own. 

The beginning circles back in the end and ties everything together, so pay close attention to the details at the start of the movie. Everything in the middle is encompassed around the tale of two estranged sisters who are reconnected through an unfortunate twist of life events. Both of the sisters are having to face different challenges that are disturbing the 'ritual' of their daily lives. The sisters are played by Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan. These two female leads complimented one another extremely well with their performances and it is honestly so sad that we didn't get to watch their relationship flourish a bit before Danny decides to bring that damn book into the apartment. Damn it, Danny! YOU SHOULD'VE PUT THE BOOK BACK DANNY!!!

So, where was Ash? That was a huge complaint for a lot of the non-lovers of Rise, but Bruce not only played a specific part in the movie – he was also a producer. He's in there, so just pay attention. The people complaining about the setting being outside the cabin and the woods could just go watch the other movies that were previously released, correct? KUDOS to Lee Cronin for taking the risk and proving that the story can work outside of its familiar space. This movie manages to contain the tone and vibe of the original and add its own twists and turns. The love for the original movie was apparent from the opening scene to the last credit. I just don't get the hate. 

I give Evil Dead Rise two severed bloody thumbs up!!!

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