Bodies Bodies Bodies 2022 (spoilers)

Published on 5 October 2022 at 22:29

Horror/Comedy-Horror/Thriller/Slasher - (R) 1h 34m
Release date:  August, 2022  |
Amndla Stenberg, Maria Bakalova, Pete Davidson, Lee Pace, Rachel Sennott, Chase Sui Wonders, Myha'la Herrold. |
Halina Reijn. |
Jasper Wolf  |

A24 has knocked another one out of the park for me. This entertainment company (created in 2012) is responsible for some of the (most recent) films topping out on my list of favorites. Bodies, Bodies, Bodies is no exception, in fact, it is HIGH on that list. Horror fans around the world should be (and probably are) praising A24's founders (Daniel, David, and John) all the way to the heavens and back, because they are definitely bringing something to the table that hasn't been [properly] served before.  It's time for dinner!!!

I am still [completely] blown away by the fact that this film managed to draw me in, even though I knew nothing (and I mean nothing) about it. Does this fact alone prove that A24 has some hidden imprint in the marketing of all the films they (pick up) attach their brand to? I am actually quite convinced that they do, but I can't figure out how to identify exactly what that imprint entails. By design, this movie [outwardly] looked nothing like anything I would ever willingly watch or purposely seek out - yet, here I am. Not only am I here, but I am bragging big league and have ranked it at the top of my list of favorite horror films. Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, is AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!

Don't like that? .... Come and get me .... Is that all you got, muthafukas!!!

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies presents itself in a very tongue in cheek way from the get-go (goofy or annoying, perhaps) - yet, in hindsight it so cleverly used dark satire through these loathsome characters and their piercing tongues. Honestly, in hindsight, it is horrifying. For me, this group wreaks of the type of people that think they have all the answers and think they are so [wholly] in touch with everything and everyone. The biggest thing they lack is common sense, but they definitely lack trust, too. They seem to have no trust in anyone or anything - not even themselves; and from early on it is clear to see that all common sense is out the window. When you can't trust yourself, you will never be able to trust another. The camouflage these people wear to shield themselves, day-in and day-out, in an effort to convince others of the lies they have apparently convinced themselves to believe, well ...  it's downright scary. 

So, getting right to it ... We have a group of rich Gen Z'ers that agreed (in a group chat/text) to meet up at their friend David's house. They have planned a hurricane party and everyone has participated in the group text except one friend (Sophie). After the last person in the group of friends arrives at David's house, egos begin to flare and the tension revs up. The two individuals that are not part of the life-long circle of friends become the initial targets for emotional vomit and vitriol (bullying). The sharp edge of the tongue proves to be a painfully blunt little tool when its used to slash egos and trust. All of which is obliterated through games of the mind. 

Okay ... we have to take a brief intermission ... I must address the elephant in the room ...

I am not a fan of Pete Davidson. Whew! I am so glad I got that off my chest!!!

No, wait ... hear me out ... I think my problem with him is because of our harping [beat the dead horse] (social) media. Pete's name sort of hits my eardrums like a pair of rubber flip-flops slapping against the cold concrete floor of a dead-silent corridor (think -- IRREVERSIBLE). Nam flashback! Nam flashback!

And his face ... oh, god, oh, god, no ...Is he so ugly he is attractive!!?? Oh. My. God.

But what happens when the factors mentioned above actually make you turn on yourself and by the end of the movie - you become a (whoa) sorta-fan!? Okay, I am going to say it ... Pete Davidson was the shining star in this movie! My name is Tina and I am Pete Davidson's biggest fan. 

Seriously though ... I do think I am a [tiny] newborn fan. I honestly cannot tell you how mad I am about that! I'm so mad, it's a little funny. Have you ever had that happen? You know ... you don't like something ... in fact, you dislike it so much that you can't figure out why other people like it, but one day you wake up and suddenly realize you LIKE IT!!!!?? Well, you're looking at someone who has done that. Oh, um, ... Hi, um, ... Hello! I can't help it though and I'm not too mad at myself anymore. He was so good in this!

Maybe A24 needs to go ahead and create a hotline, because they've created an addict and I can't be the only one. Come on, A24 .. tit for tat!!! Ha!

So ... Pete Davidson (David) delivers some of the funniest lines and (come on) his black-eye [alone] kept me giggling in all of his scenes (I am not sure why - unless it's a crush). The sharp dialogue paired with all the tongue in cheek references to the woke culture, was so effective because of its subtlety; it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This movie screamed to me ... "THEY GET IT!! THESE WRITERS GET IT!!!!"

I busted up in the scene where David is sitting in his office talking to Sophie and gives his little spill about Greg (Lee Pace) and says, "He's not, like, that hot. I mean, I feel like, I'm more attractive than that. "

This entire group of friends is insufferable. It is actually so relatable for me that you'd think it would have "triggered" a little PTSD from my middle school and high school years. I can relate to the alienation that Bee (mostly Bee) and Greg were subjected to. During middle school I made efforts to maintain my place in my little circle of girlfriends, but they were always so nastyto me. By the time I got to high school I was completely over these nihilists and theirfoolish games. It was horrible; I didn't want to be there. My home-life was hard enough and no one wants to deal with bad things at home and at school; every-single-day. This movie is a great reminder to me of how smart I was for not getting entranced by those people. But unlike my classmates, this group of friends had me entranced - I was glued to the screen. It was somehow very gratifying watching the fragile shells of these humans as they began to exhibit large cracks in their hulls. Do you find me sadistic, masochistic?


So, the group decides to play this game called Bodies, Bodies, Bodies. The basic premise is that all players get a little yellow slip of paper, and the person with the slip of paper marked with an X is the 'killer'. After everyone has their slip of paper, the lights get turned off, and everyone scatters to various areas of the house to avoid getting "killed."

Each time the killer touches someone, that person "dies." They must lie down and remain on the floor until another player bumps into them. When the body is discovered, the person who bumps into them has to yell, "BODIES, BODIES, BODIES!" The lights come back on and the rest of the players have to try to figure out who the killer is. The more bodies there are, the easier it would be to figure it out - obviously.

You might be convinced that this is starting to sound like a typical whodunit slasher flick. You are very likely to believe that's the case the entire time, and you will constantly go back and forth as you "think" you have figured out who is responsible. But you can't and you won't. When you finally see it ... well, don't be surprised if your reaction, um, surprises you. ;)


Man, this is a fun movie. I love everything about it. The characters are annoying as hell, but that's the point and you might find yourself actually liking these little fartknockers! The performances are so well done - I mean it. Honestly, one character probably wasn't acting at all - she seemed like a real-life "biatch."  For such an annoying and unlikeable group of young adults, I enjoyed every minute of their nutty, doped up, irrational, and delusional shenanigans. It was very well played. Bravo.

The cinematography, the sound effects, the score, the location, the set pieces (ooooh the set pieces!!!) ... literally every detail was perfectly executed (no pun intended). Curse that tiktok, but damn was it funny to be reminded why tiktok is so moronic and idiotic to begin with. It's certainly a huge part of the current generations culture, though.

In a world full of followers .... be a leader.

Young people today rely too much on technology and completely malfunction when its limited or unavailable. Gen Z "loses it" if they aren't  instantly aided and abetted by the regurgitation and recycling of information in which they base their beliefs. bah-bah-braaainwashing

The director even contributes to the criticisms of Gen Z. She gives a breakdown of the moment the audience meets the group when they are submerged in the pool and she says,We introduce them in a swimming pool. They’re like embryos floating,” she said. “It’s an abstraction, and then we know that they’re going to be born, and they turn out to be monsters later.” 

The moral of this story is that WOKE CULTURE will inevitably be the downfall of Gen Z and very likely the rest of us if we don't actually WAKE up. In the meantime, we can laugh or cry ... I choose to laugh until I cry. GO WATCH THIS MOVIE - IT'S A BLAST!!!!



I give BODIES, BODIES, BODIES 3 bloody severed thumbs up!!! 

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